Saint Francis Home
Assisted Living for the Elderly
Under the Care of Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
80 Years
1944 - 2024
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This is to acknowledge and thank you again for the wonderful care my mother receives at Saint Francis Home. It has now been one year since I made the decision to move her from a previous assisted living facility where adjustment became challenging after a lifetime of independent living.
Saint Francis Home has proven to be a blessing for my mother, and also for me, her only living son. This is evidenced by her positive demeanor, new friendships, a healthy appetite and general well-being. Most importantly, respect and compassion are ever present at Saint Francis Home. Also, the availability of an in-house chapel with daily Mass services has brought her even closer to the Lord. I am particularly blessed for that.
Please extend my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the entire team of Franciscan Sisters and the wonderful support staff that so faithfully and consistently deliver the services that help make Saint Francis Home a blessed place for our aging loved ones.
You are always in our prayers and are counted amongst our heavenly blessings.
With Christ in my heart,
Martin and Vivian C.
We placed my Mom who suffers from dementia, with you several years ago. I want to thank you as I have so many times over the years for the caring and devotion that you have shown my mother. I am constantly impressed with the quality of service and care that you and your staff show to all your residents. My family and I are also impressed with how neat and clean the facility is; even the grounds are always neat as a pin.
I have had many opportunities to watch your staff interact with the residents. They are always patient, courteous and most of all kind to the ladies. I have never heard anyone raise their voice to a resident even when the resident seemed particularly stubborn in a particular situation. The staff always greets my mother by name; teases her when she leaves with me for a meal and are always polite to visitors. They attend to her needs with love and kindness. Truly you and your home have been a Godsend to us. I don't know who is responsible, but one of you has even managed to get her to voluntarily attend mass on Fridays and on Sundays. You are most certainly miracle workers!
Sister Elia, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. We can never repay you for what you have given us; peace of mind. We know that our mother is in the best of hands and that she is in a warm and nurturing environment. I will be in your debt forever.
Very sincerely yours,
Armando Z.
Newport Beach, CA